Sunday 7 May 2017

What is storytelling?

When I wanted to start writing my script I came to the sudden realization that I don't know how to create and write a story. I do have some prior experience from writing a short script for my year 12 horror film opening scene. However, with that piece of work I did have help with some of my classmates. So in order to make my script and story as good as it can be I decided to look at what makes a good story. 

When I look back into my childhood and think about what stories stood out and have had an impact on my perception of the world the same thing kept popping up, which was Pixar. Pixar is an American animation film studio that have created, what I consider to be, some of the greatest stories ever told on film. Some of these films include; 'Wall-E', 'Toy Story' and 'Finding Nemo'. So I looked at who were the screen writers for these films. A name kept repeating, which was Andrew Stanton. Andrew Stanton (born December 3, 1965) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer, and voice actor based at Pixar Animation Studio. After conducting more research I found that Andrew has appeared on 'Ted Talks' where he talks about the clues to a great story. Here is the video. 

He gave a great and insightful talk about storytelling. Here's how defined storytelling. "Storytelling is joke telling. It's knowing your punchline. Your ending. Knowing that everything you're saying, from the first sentence to the last, is leading to a singular goal and ideally confirming some truth that deepens our understandings of who we are as human beings."This is very useful for my production because when I come to writing a plot for my story I will attempt to implement his advice into my story.

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